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Gallery Hours
  • Friday-Sunday: 11am to 7pm
  • Tuesday-Thursday: 11am to 6pm
  • Closed on Mondays

  • Lazimpat, Kathmandu
  • +9779851326472

Where My Home and Allegiance Lies

4th Aug – 25th Aug, 2024

Exhibited Artists

“The natural world is an incredible place. Sitting quietly and letting nature flow over, connects us to our core. Because it is our deepest and longest human connection, peace is able to seep into the soul. The ecosystem is an all encompassing circle, one that we belong to. This belonging can be felt watching the birds fly, harvesting food, sitting amongst grass and flowers, or hearing the river roll by. Once belonging is deeply felt, love of nature takes hold. We all came from nature, and will all return one day. Protecting our precious environment is truly protecting what makes us human”.

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(Photo Credit: @tsedorje)

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(Photo Credit: @tsedorje)